For Online Yoga and Ayurveda Workshops, visit the link below.

The Natural Healing Force, within each one of us, is the greatest force in getting well
— Hippocrates

Ayurveda Spring Workshop

April 26th | 2 - 4 pm

Learn how to adapt diet and lifestyle according to the seasons to bring balance and why Spring is an ideal time for cleansing.

According to the ancient Science of Ayurveda, disease happens at the junction of the season. Spring and Fall are the best times to cleanse as the qualities of the previous season are very different from the following season.  

  • Ṛtu Sandhi (seasonal junction)

    The doṣas are provoked during the junctures of the seasons: the last week of the outgoing season and the first week of the incoming season.

    During this period, the seasonal regimen of the previous season should be gradually concluded, and the regimen of the forthcoming season should be progressively introduced.

    The Ayurvedic approach to cleansing is unique and more effective than many other methods of detoxification available today because it is  natural as well as totally personalized to one’s unique needs. It can help eliminate toxins, rejuvenate the system, minimize imbalances and seasonal allergies, and even prevent disease. 

    The body already has its own process for the elimination of toxins, we just need to support it with certain food and lifestyle changes. Most cleanse regimens are based on juicing, fasting, colonics, and other highly restrictive diets. According to Ayurveda, these methods are often too harsh for our digestive systems.

  • Raffle Prize: Seasonal Ayurvedic Box + Ayurvedic Brand products 

    In our Winter workshop, there was a lot of excitement for the Raffle prize and the Ayurvedic Box and I’ve wanted more people to win so now I offer “3 Prizes”:

    Prize #1: Seasonal Ayurvedic Box crafted by Aggeliki with: 

    • Ghee butter 

    • Olive oil from Aggeliki’s farm

    • A kitchari meal blend with seasonal herbs and spices to make at home

    • Ayurvedic oil samples

    • Spring digestive tea

      Prize #2: Ayurvedic product (brand + product will be announced close to the day) 

      Prize #3: Ayurvedic product (brand + product will be announced close to the day) 

    Raffle info :

    $2 for 1 ticket, $5 for 3 tickets

  • Workshop Price : $25

    Workshop will last 75- 90 min and we will take the last 30 minutes for questions and discussion.

    Pre-Registration: is required so we can prepare samples and print workshop handouts for everyone.

    To Register: email 

    Complimentary Consultation: Once you register for the workshop you have the option to have an individual 20-30 minute, complimentary consultation with Aggeliki virtually before or after the workshop. 

    Cancelation: if you have to cancel you can transfer it to a future workshop or gift it to a friend. No refunds will be available for this workshop.

    Location: Chelmsford Community Center, MA

    Date: April 26th, 2025

    Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm 

Spring Cooking Class & Lunch

We will explore Spring recipes, ingredients, and practices that help the body adapt to the new season.

We will discuss optimal digestion and food incompatibilities. We will learn how to make easy and nutritious meals with seasonal ingredients, incorporating the tastes of Kapha season.

  • Every season we gather and cook seasonal recipes. We learn about the tastes and qualities of each season. The tastes of Kapha season are pungent, bitter and astringent.  

    What we will cook

    • Cultured Ghee: not all Ghee is the same!! We will discuss the difference between regular store bought ghee and cultured ghee. Cultured ghee is rich in butyric acid, which is beneficial for gut health and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help support healthy body weight and reverse cholesterol. You will learn how to make your own ghee at home. What type of butter to use and other rituals to make sure your ghee is potent and beneficial.

    • Kitchari + Red Rice Plate: whether you are a beginner or experienced in cooking Kitchari there is always something new to learn. Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic dish. A balanced meal of complete protein of lentils, grains, vegetables, good fat and digestive spices. It is also the best dish to reset digestion and the main dish of an Ayurvedic cleanse. In this class we will cook the Spring version of Kitchari with millet. We will also cook red rice, a grain recommended for Spring season with pine nuts and bitter greens, spring chutney and veggie patties. 

    • Digestive Drink: Agni - the digestive fire in our body is very important in Ayurveda. We always apply diet and lifestyle practices to protect Agni. In this cooking class we will make “Takra”. Ayurveda’s fresh probiotic drink with diluted yogurt and herbs. “What is amrita - nectar for Gods, is takra for humans”. 

    What we will discuss

    • Optimal digestion: Ayurveda teaches that yes we are what we eat but most importantly we are what we “digest”. When food is not properly digested  it turns into toxins known in Ayurveda as “ama”.This can be a root cause of disease.⁠ What we do digest, forms the tissues and materiality of our body, so we want to make sure we are optimally absorbing and assimilating high-quality foods to suit our needs and constitution. To help our digestive system run smoothly, so we can be healthy, we need to understand how our “Agni” - the digestive fire in our body  works.

    •  You can take the Digestion quiz here to get more familiar with the current state of your digestive fire. 

    • Food incompatibilities: Ayurvedic texts describe 18 categories of food incompatibilities. Combinations of certain foods can be incompatible to digest. We will learn how to mix and match properly. We will discuss the most common ones that most of us practice without knowing that it can be clogging for our body and the root cause of chronic disease.

    • Why Ayurveda recommends cleansing in the Spring: Ayurveda recommends that we cleanse twice a year: once in the Fall and once in the Spring. In the Fall it supports us in releasing excess heat from the body and prepares our immune system, and in the Spring it helps to release excess that has accumulated from the heaviness of winter. The Spring is considered Kapha season, when the elements of earth and water are dominant. This combination can leave us feeling heavy, unmotivated, lethargic, and congested unless we begin to eat seasonally and switch up our routines. There is also the saying that when life gets complicated, keep food simple. 

  • Seasonal Ayurvedic Box + Ayurvedic Brand products 

    Prize #1: Seasonal Ayurvedic Box crafted by Aggeliki with: 

    • Ghee butter 

    • Olive oil from Aggeliki’s farm

    • A kitchari meal blend with seasonal herbs and spices to make at home

    • Ayurvedic oil samples

    • Spring digestive tea

    Prize #2 : Ayurvedic product (brand + product will be announced close to the day) 

    Prize #3 : Ayurvedic product (brand + product will be announced close to the day) 

    Raffle info :

    $2 for 1 ticket, $5 for 3 tickets

  • Cooking Class Price: $35 (includes lunch)

    The cooking class will last about 3 hours. We cook together, discuss and we enjoy a mindful, silent meal. 

    Lunch includes: a digestive drink, a main meal, and an Ayurvedic dessert. 

    Menu: Spring version of Kitchari with millet, red rice, and veggie patties with seasonal chutney. 

    Pre-Registration: This is required so we can estimate food quantity.

    To Register: email

    Cancelation: if you have to cancel you can transfer it to a future workshop or gift it to a friend. No refunds will be available for this workshop.

    Location: TBA

    Date: TBA, Spring,  2025

    Time: 10:30 am - 1:30 pm 


Schedule an Offering Form


P a s t E v e n t s

Ayurveda Winter Cooking Class

A Warm Gathering Before the Holidays

✨ Thank you for coming ✨

Ayurveda Winter Workshop

Seasonal Practices for Calm Mind and Steady Energy

❄️ Thank you for coming ❄️